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Job Roles

There's a job for everyone at Camp!

Camp is a place to improve your own skill set as well as the campers. Qualifications are not necessary, just enthusiasm to be a great counselor. 


There are two types of job roles available at camps, activity specialists and general counselors.


Activity Specialists play a big role at camp as they are hired to teach a specific activity to the campers.  Find your perfect job and share your knowledge as a coach or instructor in your favourite hobby at camp this summer. 

Camps look to hire people for the following roles

General Counselors

The role of a general counselor is perfect for those who don’t have qualifications or experience in one particular activity. 

General counselors are hired to take campers to and from their various activities thorughout the day. Rather than teaching or instructing an activity, the general counselors will make sure the campers are getting to where they need to be with the equiment required for that activity. At the activity the general counselors will assist the activity instructor and better yet, you will get to participate with the campers in their activity. It’s like your job is to have fun and the biggest requirement for this job role is enthusiasm and a smile !

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